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NATS (National Apprentice Training Scheme)

The National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS), initiated by the Government of India, aims to enhance employment prospects and bolster the nation's economic growth. NATS offers a comprehensive 1-year program designed to equip technically proficient students with practical skills and knowledge essential for their respective fields.

Under NATS, participants undergo rigorous training in esteemed firms, including Central, state, or private organizations renowned for their excellent training infrastructure.

From the fiscal year 2021-22 to 2025-26 (up to 31/03/2026), the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has allocated a budget of 3054 crores to support apprentices enrolled in the program.

In response to escalating youth employment, NATS has expanded its scope to include graduates from diverse disciplines such as B.Sc., B.Com, and B.A. The duration of apprenticeships for these non-technical streams ranges from 6 months to 3 years.

Approximately 9 lakh apprentices will receive formal training from industrial and commercial entities. Graduates and diploma holders in Science, Engineering, Humanities, and Commerce will receive revised stipends approved by NATS, amounting to Rs. 9000/- and Rs. 8000/- per month, respectively.

Participating employers in the NATS program receive financial support from the Government of India.

For further inquiries, please visit the official NATS website.
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